Promoting your First Friday Event

First Friday PDX has a number of tools available to help artists and galleries promote their First Friday events. Here are a few east ways we can can publicize your opening.

Submit an opening or onetime event

First Friday PDX maintains and promotes a monthly listing of First Friday shows, openings, and events. This listing is updated every month and includes every show that is submitted to us. Additionally, we send out a monthly newsletter featuring selected shows and other First Friday updates.

We do our best to make the list as complete as possible, but to be sure that your event is included (and the we get the details correct!) please send show details to or use our online event submission form.

If you decide to mail us information directly for promotion, please don’t forget to include information about the event name, location, time, brief description, and an image.

You can submit an event either through our website, or by mailing us. We will promote events we receive this way through all our available outlets.

Join the First Friday map and gallery listing

If you are hosting events every First Friday, we would love to include you as a permanent location on the First Friday map!

To be added to the roster contact us with the following information:

  • Gallery or venue name
  • A brief description of the space
  • First Friday hours
  • Address
  • Contact information

In order to provide a positive experience for visitors however, it is important that we keep our listing up-to-date, and that art galleries on the First Friday map are consistently open during their posted hours. If your information needs to be updated, or you decide to stop opening on First Fridays, please let us know! We will remove locations that no longer appear to be participating.

The First Friday map includes both monthly events submitted to us on a one-time basis, and a permanent roster of participating galleries.

Connect on Social Media

First Friday PDX uses Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Meetup. If you connect with us, we can be on the lookout when you post news, events and updates. You can also tag events with #firstfridaypdx to reach potential visitors and patrons.

Publish Events with First Friday PDX on Facebook

When creating an event on Facebook you can make First Friday PDX a co-host to have the event appear on the main First Friday Facebook page and reach a larger audience. First Friday PDX will not make any edits or changes to your event.

When creating your event make First Friday PDX a co-host and it will automatically add your event to our featured events AND post the event to our main newsfeed.
Announce participation in First Friday PDX

On your website, blog, newsletter or other social media announce that you are a part of First Friday PDX and link to our website or Facebook page.

Once you plan on opening for First Friday on a recurring basis we recommend repeating this kind of post at least a few times a month because repetition tends to draw more visitors to your posts and over time this will create a buzz!