After First Friday: Monthly Art Openings

Events listed occur throughout the month are free and open to all visitors unless otherwise specified.


Cuts Across: Artists Respond to Lived Intersections | Carnation Contemporary

  Cuts Across: Artists Respond to Lived Intersections, a show curated by Carnation Contemporary members Quinha Faria, Pamela Hadley, Marcelo Fontana and Michael Espinoza, asks Oregon artists to respond to a deceptively complicated question: how do you identify? The purpose of this show is to mine the rich layers of identity to uncover how artists respond to the pressure to perform isolated aspects of whole selves. This is an opportunity to build community around the expression of intersecting identities and showcase the diversity of Oregon artists and their practices. This show is supported by the Ford Family Foundation allowing us to lower cost and other barriers to create a platform for artists who may have previously been excluded from showing work in a gallery setting.

Participating artists are Wayne Bund, Dante Carlos, Francis Dot, Hale Ekinci, Sally Finch, Nancy Floyd, Erin Fox, Hyun Jung Jung, Frankie Krupa-Vahdani, Latoya Lovely, Christina Martin, Elise Azam Mravunac, M Prull, Jennifer Rabin, Joshua Sin, Victoria Smits, Ash Stone, Forest Svendgard-Lang, Noa Taylor, Chris Ticas, Ahuva S. Zaslavsky, and Yuyang Zhang.

5 PM – 8 PM @ 8371 N Interstate Ave #3, Portland, OR